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 página inicial :: Currículos :: Direito :: Trabalhar na área jurídica
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Trabalhar na área jurídica (English version available )

Disponível para : São Paulo, Capital

Resumo de qualificações

Bacharel de Direito


Conhecimento em informática, como: excel, word, powerpoint, access.

Experiência profissional

Fiz estágio no Ministério Público de Bauru enquanto cursava a faculdade de direito, depois de formada fui morar na Venezuela e Inglaterra, atualmente estou estudando para prestar o exame da AOB.


Instituição Toledo de Ensido de Bauru. (Curso Superior Completo)


Inglês (intermediário);
Espanhol (intermediário).

Dados pessoais

Brasileira, 26 anos e casada.

Work in the career legal

Availabe to work in : São Paulo, Capital

Technical Summary

Bachelor of law

Specific Knowlegdes

Excel, word, powerpoint, access.

Relevant Experience

Trainee at Civil Prosecutor`s Office. I was responsible for analysing the pedges and litigations, interacting with the responsible Magistrates, suggesting the proper corrections in order assure that the lawsuits were in accordance to the current applicable laws and that they were ready to proceed to judgement. Additionally I was responsible for counselling the public by providing them advices on how to proceed to defend their rights.


University Toledo de Ensino Bauru.
Obtained Bachelor degree in law, and preparatory course for Bar Exam.

Foreign Languages

English Training, Intermediate Level, Cambridge - UK, 2003.
Spanish Training, Intermediate Level, Caracas - Venezuela, 2001.

Personal data

Brazilian, 26 years old, marrige.

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