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 página inicial :: Currículos :: Recursos Humanos :: Área de Recursos Humanos
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Área de Recursos Humanos (English version available )

Disponível para : Belo Horizonte

Resumo de qualificações

Profissional competente, empreendedor e ambicioso


Licenciatura em Psicologia e Formação complementar em :
- Lean Six sigma Yellow belt
- Project Management
- IT Project of Leadership, Authority &Accountability
- Critical parameters in recruitment interview course
- Curso de Formação de Formadores

Experiência profissional

2007 (Abril – Outubro)
Account Representative no XOS (Xerox Office Solutions), Departamento Xerox Europe, elo de ligação entre Xerox e Contractos Multinacionais.

2005 – 2006 Psicólogo na Clínica Psiquiátrica dos Hospitais Universitários de Coimbra


Licenciatura em Psicologia, na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal).


Português (Língua materna); Inglês (Muito Bom);
Italiano (Bom);
Espanhol (Bom)

Dados pessoais

Portuguesa, 24 anos, solteiro

Human Resources

Availabe to work in : Belo Horizonte

Technical Summary

Competent, enterprising and ambitious professional

Specific Knowlegdes

Degree in Psychology, and complementar formation in corses such as:
- Lean Six sigma Yellow belt
- Project Management
- IT Project of Leadership, Authority &Accountability
- Critical parameters in recruitment interview course
- Course of Formation of Trainers

Relevant Experience

2007 (April – October) Account Representative in XOS (Xerox Office Solutions), Department of Xerox Europe. Responsible for the connection between Xerox and Multinational Contracts.

2005 – 2006 Psychologist in Psychiatric Clinic of the Hospitals of the University of Coimbra.


Degree in Psychology, by the Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education of the University of Coimbra (Universidade de Coimbra - Portugal)

Foreign Languages

Portuguese (Native language); English (high level);
Italian and Spanish (good level).

Personal data

Portuguese, 24 years old, single

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